Solar iBoost+
Get free hot water from your PV array with Solar iBoost+
Marlec’s innovative Solar iBoost+ enables you to automatically consume the excess energy generated at your home so you can just sit back and enjoy the extra savings! Read on to find out how with Solar iBoost+ fitted you will…
– Cut the cost of water heating in your home.
– Reduce the use of your boiler.
– Maximise the use of the free solar energy generated at your property.
If you answer yes to the following, then a Solar iBoost is for you!
I have on-site power generation.
The distance between the water tank and utility meter is less than 30m.
Energy usage in the household is less than the energy generated and excess is exported to the grid.
I would like to reduce my energy bills, especially for expensive water heating.
You may be out for periods during the daytime and generate more than is needed to cover the standby of all your appliances OR even at home during the day but rarely consuming energy up to the peak output of the solar array or wind turbine.
Whenever you are exporting more than 100W you could be “dumping” that excess energy into your hot water tank and saving even more money. Even if you have an export meter the cost savings possible on water heating may be greater than the export rate paid by the electricity companies.
If you have invested in Solar PV for your home then you will already be aware that there are periods of “export,” when you can’t consume all the energy being generated by the array. This energy normally flows back to the grid seamlessly so you may not even be aware of it. If your home has hot water storage with an immersion heater then Solar iBoost+ can be installed and start saving you more money on heating bills in less than 1 hour!
Solar iBoost’s built in display means that you can watch your savings grow, simply press the display button to see Saved Today, Saved Yesterday, Saved 7 Days, Saved 28 Days and Total Saved readings. You can also see this remotely within the home by choosing the iBoost Buddy, simply keep it handy and you will see when you are Heating by Solar and Tank Hot.

Solar iBoost+ Benefits
Easy to install to new and existing systems in less than 30 minutes.
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Maximises consumption of the free solar energy generated at your property.
Save Money
by cutting the cost of water heating and reduces the use of your home’s boiler.
Support Local
It is made and backed up by the UK’s oldest renewable energy company.
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You can remotely monitor and control the Solar iBoost+ within your home.
It combines the use with battery storage systems to prioritise operation.
Energy Prices have SKYROCKETED!
Energy prices have skyrocketed recently and it is impossible for many people to afford it. Solar and Renewable Energy is a way of reducing the outgoing costs, and protecting yourself from the insane rises in energy prices. OFGEM have announced that its due to rise even more this year! Because of this, there has never been a better time to invest in renewable energy, and now is the time.